Community Programs
Arts & Culture
The Highland Center hosts a flourishing art community, with studio space for artists, dancers, and musicians as well as gallery space and a large performance venue. Children and adults alike participate in strings and ballet lessons and each year the Center hosts numerous concerts, plays, and recitals. To learn more about the artists who make their home at the Center, visit our Tenants page and see upcoming events here.
Community Vibrancy
The Highland Center is dedicated to helping make Highland County a vibrant place to both live and visit. We are proud to host events, workshops, and meals and to house a variety of organizations that make an important impact on the quality of life in Highland.

Community Venue
The Highland Center serves as a multi-use community building and provides space for workshops, meetings, fundraisers, and private events such as weddings and reunions. The farmers’ market pavilion is available for picnics and outdoor events, and the kitchen can be used for community dinners, banquets, and local food ventures. Email us or visit our Rental Page to learn more.